Big news this week – metajournal now provides one-click access to article full-text via ANZCA for ANZCA Fellows and trainees.

Beneath article abstracts online at or within your weekly emailed metajournal, Australian and New Zealand metajournal users will see a link to: Full text @ ANZCA

Clicking this link will take you to the article full-text for many of the major critical-care journals if ANZCA holds a current subscription. Note that some full-text access has time embargoes, and for some journals (e.g. Minerva) direct links are not yet possible.
You will need to login with your ANZCA password after clicking the link, and for Ovid holdings you will also need to login using the ANZCA library's Ovid password – email the great ANZCA librarians to request this password. (Your computer or smartphone should remember these passwords for you for next time.)
To edit your institutional affiliations, for example to add full-text links to your hospital (RMH, RWH...) or university (USyd, UniMelb, Deakin, Monash...) journal subscriptions, simply visit the settings page.
As always, If your hospital, college or university is not listed, let me know and I will see if I can add it!