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You may have noticed a link beneath each article abstract: Collect...

This allows you to create collections of articles that share a common theme, answer a clinical question, or that you want to group together for any other reason. Perhaps articles to read this month; papers every anesthesia trainee should know; or even a list of your own publications.

metajournal create collections of articles to group those on a similar topic or answer clinical questions

Have a browse through the article collections that have already been created, such as the evidence for surgical safety checklists, or landmark articles in anesthesia or intensive care medicine.

Creating a collection is as simple as clicking Collect... beneath an article abstract or Create new article collection... on the main collections page.

Article collections can have their own notes (summaries, pearls and comments), just like articles do.

Capture, summarize and share your collected-evidence with your colleagues and the world!

The Cardiology Referral: Avoid hypoxia, avoid hypotension?

Recently I needed to refer a patient preoperatively to a cardiologist for review. This is not an uncommon situation – one which happens thousands of times every week throughout the world. And yet it is a referral that anesthesiologists and anesthetists often do very poorly.

Avoid hypoxia, avoid hypotension?

We sometimes roll our eyes at recommendations made by physician colleagues: either providing unhelpful physiological parameters that we normally aim to maintain anyway (“avoid hypoxia?”), or stepping outside their expertise and boxing the anesthetist in by suggesting specific anesthetic techniques (“okay for a spinal”).

It is easy to be annoyed at both the lack of value this adds to our perioperative planning, as well as to the nonchalant ignorance of intraoperative medicine that it betrays. At the end of the day though, it’s our fault.

As Dr Andrew Silvers, a Melbourne cardiac and neuro-anesthetist recently opined, if your cardiologist replies with “avoid hypoxia and avoid hypotension” then YOU the anesthetist or anesthesiologist are at fault for not asking your cardiology colleague specific questions that will materially effect your perioperative planning.


Now with full-text access for South African medical schools

Over the past week metajournal has added institutional access to full-text articles for six of South Africa's eight medical schools!

metajournal full-text access for South African medical schools

Metajournal now has the ability to link to more than 120 institutional full-text databases, and we're constantly adding more. To see if one of your institutions is listed simply click on 'add institutional full text' under any article, or visit your settings page.

metajournal Add institutional full text articles

If your institution is not listed, drop me a note and I'll do my best to add it!


Full text article access through your institution!

One of metajournal's very special features is providing direct links to full text articles via your institutional subscriptions.

Many metajournal people already have full text access to their specialty journals provided by their hospital, university, college or professional organization.

Metajournal can provide direct links to your institution's library servers to, in most cases, take you straight to the full text article if your organization has a subscription to the journal.

After you have told metajournal your affiliated institutions, you will notice new links beneath each article taking you straight to a search for the full text at your institution.

metajournal Links to institutional full text articles

If you access these links while on your hospital or university network, then you will likely be taken straight to the full text. If you access from outside you will be taken first to a login screen for your institutional library system before being directed to the article (this should only need to be done infrequently).

Telling metajournal which institutions you are a member of is easy – simply click on the 'Add institutional full text...' link when you see it below an article, or visit your metajournal settings page.

metajournal Add institutional full text articles

You can add or remove any number of affiliations at any time through the settings page.

So far metajournal can add access to more than 250 institutions across more than a dozen countries. Unfortunately some institutions use better, more reliable full text systems than others so the experience can vary.

Please contact me if you run in to any problems, and especially if your institution is not listed – and I will work very hard to get it added to metajournal.

I hope you enjoy easier access to all the relevant evidence that metajournal finds for you!

Metajournal has CPD reporting

One of metajournal's lesser known features is:

Okay, I admit it doesn't sound very exciting – but I think this small feature will both save you time and make achieving your Continuing Professional Development requirements a little bit easier.

Many colleges and medical boards now require evidence of CPD activities, including medical journal reading and reviewing. Some require simply an estimate of the time spent, while others like ANZCA require submission of a bibliography of every article you have read!

Because metajournal keeps track of the abstracts you read, the articles you favourite and the full-text papers you retrieve, we can also provide you with a report for submitting to your CPD/CME organization.

metajournal PDF CPD report

Simply click on 'My CPD Reports' in the dropdown menu, choose which type of article-activities you want included, a date range and then whether you wish to view the report as a web page or as a PDF. Voilà!

metajournal CPD report choose PDF or HTML

Metajournal will even estimate how long you have spent reading papers!

metajournal CPD time estimate

And if that's still too much work, metajournal automatically emails out a quarterly PDF CPD report to all our subscribers.

Happy staying up to date!

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