A & A case reports
We describe a case of intrathecal migration of a wire-reinforced epidural catheter in a parturient who received epidural labor analgesia. Epidural analgesia was initiated with a combined-spinal epidural technique and maintained by programmed intermittent epidural boluses. Epidural catheter aspiration after insertion was negative for cerebrospinal fluid. ⋯ After the fifth dose, she developed a complete lower extremity motor block, hypotension, and high sensory blockade. Catheter aspiration was then positive for cerebrospinal fluid. After symptom resolution, labor pain was successfully managed with this inadvertent intrathecal catheter.
Interscalene brachial plexus block is considered the most complete postoperative analgesia after total shoulder arthroplasty. Interscalene brachial plexus block-induced ipsilateral hemidiaphragmatic paralysis may not be tolerated in patients with preexisting pulmonary disease. ⋯ We report a case of combined selective suprascapular and axillary nerve blockade in combination with local infiltration analgesia in a patient with severe lung disease undergoing total shoulder arthroplasty. This case highlights the local infiltration analgesia technique of the shoulder joint and current diaphragm-sparing regional anesthesia blocks.
The erector spinae plane (ESP) block is a regional anesthetic technique involving local anesthetic injection in a paraspinal plane deep to the erector spinae muscle. Originally described for thoracic analgesia when performed at the T5 transverse process, the ESP block can provide abdominal analgesia if performed at lower thoracic levels because the erector spinae muscles extend to the lumbar spine. A catheter inserted into this plane can extend analgesic duration and can be an alternative to epidural analgesia. In this report, we describe using bilateral ESP catheters inserted at the T8 level to provide effective perioperative analgesia for major open lower abdominal surgery.
Laryngeal ultrasonography has mainly been performed after tracheal extubation. However, improvements in ultrasound technology now allow assessment of vocal cord function even under conditions of endotracheal intubation. We report herein the use of laryngeal ultrasonography in an endotracheally intubated patient after esophagectomy, which allowed us to make the presumptive diagnosis of bilateral recurrent nerve palsy before tracheal extubation. Our experience suggests that laryngeal ultrasonography may be useful in assessing vocal cord function even in endotracheally intubated patients, although the indications and efficacy remain to be determined.