Der Schmerz
In health services research, the health care of the population is examined under everyday conditions. Scientific questions include medical, patient-oriented, system-, performance- and quality-related as well as health economics topics. In health services research, complex interventions, e.g., treatment concepts with multiple therapy components, and/or across multiple sectors, are often implemented. The design of studies in health services research is based on the research question, the setting, and the available data, which can come from a variety of sources.
To evaluate the quality of care, particularly in the case of new forms of healthcare interventions, the healthcare services to be provided are defined and documented in advance. The presented explanatory sequential mixed methods design combines quantitative and qualitative data collection and the analysis enables a deeper understanding of a new healthcare intervention. Using the example of the POET-Pain project, which investigates the effect of a perioperative transitional pain service (TPS), the methodological application of the explanatory sequential mixed methods design is demonstrated in order to present the structural and process evaluation of the new healthcare intervention (in this case TPS) and to understand its influence on the quality of care. The mixed methods design presented enables the results of the quantitative phase to be interpreted and expanded in depth using qualitative data, which leads to a comprehensive understanding of the subject matter (second pillar of health services research).
Health services research looks at a form of care under contextual conditions. Often, and especially in the treatment of recurrent or chronic pain, these forms of care are complex interventions. Ensuring internal validity for subsequent interpretability of the results achieved as an essential requirement for studies in health services research therefore presents researchers with the challenge that they have to develop complex study protocols and implement and monitor them in clinical care. ⋯ On the one hand, health services research provides appropriate recommendations for the planning, implementation and evaluation of studies on complex interventions under contextual conditions, which can be of great importance for further research into the effectiveness of IMST. On the other hand, experience from interdisciplinary pain research can also help to successfully plan and conduct studies on complex interventions. This article introduces the understanding of interdisciplinarity (and interprofessionalism) in pain medicine and research, outlines possible key points for study planning and implementation using the example of two health services research studies and concludes by discussing gaps in research on interdisciplinary collaboration in pain medicine and research.