Academic emergency medicine : official journal of the Society for Academic Emergency Medicine
Multicenter Study Observational Study
A simulation-based approach to measuring team situational awareness in emergency medicine: A multicenter, observational study.
Team situational awareness (TSA) is critical for effective teamwork and supports dynamic decision making in unpredictable, time-pressured situations. Simulation provides a platform for developing and assessing TSA, but these efforts are limited by suboptimal measurement approaches. The objective of this study was to develop and evaluate a novel approach to TSA measurement in interprofessional emergency medicine (EM) teams. ⋯ Team situational awareness supports adaptive teams and is critical for high reliability organizations such as healthcare systems. Simulation can provide a platform for research aimed at understanding and measuring TSA. This study provides a feasible method for simulation-based assessment of TSA in interdisciplinary teams that addresses prior measure limitations and is appropriate for use in highly dynamic, uncertain situations commonly encountered in emergency department systems. Future research is needed to understand the development of and interactions between individual-, team-, and system (distributed)-level cognitive processes.
Randomized Controlled Trial Comparative Study
Training and Assessing Critical Airway, Breathing and Hemorrhage Control Procedures for Trauma Care: Live Tissue versus Synthetic Models.
Optimal teaching and assessment methods and models for emergency airway, breathing, and hemorrhage interventions are not currently known. The University of Minnesota Combat Casualty Training consortium (UMN CCTC) was formed to explore the strengths and weaknesses of synthetic training models (STMs) versus live tissue (LT) models. In this study, we compare the effectiveness of best in class STMs versus an anesthetized caprine (goat) model for training and assessing seven procedures: junctional hemorrhage control, tourniquet (TQ) placement, chest seal, needle thoracostomy (NCD), nasopharyngeal airway (NPA), tube thoracostomy, and cricothyrotomy (Cric). ⋯ Training on STM or LT did not demonstrate a difference in subsequent performance for five of seven procedures (junctional hemorrhage, TQ, chest seal, NPA, and NCD). Until STMs are developed with improved anthropomorphic and tissue fidelity, there may still be a role for LT for training tube thoracostomy and potentially Cric. For assessment, our STM appears more challenging for TQ and potentially for NCD than LT. For junctional hemorrhage, the increased "skips" with LT may be explained by the differences in anatomic fidelity. While these results begin to uncover the effects of training and assessing these procedures on various models, further study is needed to ascertain how well performance on an STM or LT model translates to the human model.
More than 30 million children are cared for across 5,000 U.S. emergency departments (EDs) each year. Most of these EDs are not facilities designed and operated solely for children. A Web-based survey provided a national and state-by-state assessment of pediatric readiness and noted a national average score was 69 on a 100-point scale. This survey noted wide variations in ED readiness with scores ranging from 61 in low-pediatric-volume EDs to 90 in the high-pediatric-volume EDs. Additionally, the mean score at the state level ranged from 57 (Wyoming) to 83 (Florida) and for individual EDs ranged from 22 to 100. The majority of prior efforts made to improve pediatric readiness have involved providing Web-based resources and online toolkits. This article reports on the first year of a program that aimed to improve pediatric readiness across community hospitals in our state through in situ simulation-based assessment facilitated by our academic medical center. The primary aim was to improve the pediatric readiness scores in the 10 participating hospitals. The secondary aim was to explore the correlation of simulation-based performance of hospital teams with pediatric readiness scores. ⋯ Our collaborative improvement program that involved simulation was associated with improvement in pediatric readiness scores in 10 EDs participating statewide. Future work will focus on further expanding of the network and establishing a national model for pediatric readiness improvement.
This article on alternative markers of performance in simulation is the product of a session held during the 2017 Academic Emergency Medicine Consensus Conference "Catalyzing System Change Through Health Care Simulation: Systems, Competency, and Outcomes." There is a dearth of research on the use of performance markers other than checklists, holistic ratings, and behaviorally anchored rating scales in the simulation environment. Through literature review, group discussion, and consultation with experts prior to the conference, the working group defined five topics for discussion: 1) establishing a working definition for alternative markers of performance, 2) defining goals for using alternative performance markers, 3) implications for measurement when using alternative markers, identifying practical concerns related to the use of alternative performance markers, and 5) identifying potential for alternative markers of performance to validate simulation scenarios. Five research propositions also emerged and are summarized.
Observational Study
Simulation for Assessment of Milestones in Emergency Medicine Residents.
All residency programs in the United States are required to report their residents' progress on the milestones to the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME) biannually. Since the development and institution of this competency-based assessment framework, residency programs have been attempting to ascertain the best ways to assess resident performance on these metrics. Simulation was recommended by the ACGME as one method of assessment for many of the milestone subcompetencies. We developed three simulation scenarios with scenario-specific milestone-based assessment tools. We aimed to gather validity evidence for this tool. ⋯ Three simulation cases with scenario-specific assessment tools allowed evaluation of EM residents on proficiency L1 to L4 within eight of the EM milestone subcompetencies. Evidence of test content, internal structure, response process, and relations with other variables were found. Good to excellent IRR and the ability to discriminate between various PGY levels was found for both the sum of CL items and the GRSs. However, there was a lack of a positive relationship between advancing PGY level and the completion of higher-level milestone items (L3 and L4).