Articles: anesthetics.
The supramammillary nucleus (SuM), located in the caudal hypothalamus, includes wake-promoting glutamatergic neurones. Their potential role in regulating states of consciousness during general anaesthesia remains unknown. ⋯ Activation of SuMVglut2 neurones or the glutamatergic septo-supramammillary circuit induces behavioural arousal and cortical activation during sevoflurane anaesthesia.
Randomized Controlled Trial Comparative Study
Comparative study of labour analgesia onset with injection of loading dose through epidural needle versus catheter: A prospective, double-blinded, randomised clinical trial.
Rapid onset of epidural analgesia is an important concern for the parturient. Commonly, the local anaesthetic mixture is administered through the epidural catheter. Drugs administered through the epidural needle might decrease the onset time and enhance the spread of medication within the epidural space. ⋯ Compared with bolus injection though a single end-hole epidural catheter, injection through the epidural needle did not shorten the analgesia onset time for adequate labour analgesia.
Awake craniotomies with functional cortical mapping are performed to minimize post-operative deficits from the resection of lesions adjacent to eloquent cortex. The procedure is well-established in the adult patient population and is increasingly applied to well-selected pediatric patients. A review of recent literature demonstrated that the most commonly reported anesthetic techniques were "asleep-awake-asleep" protocols that relied on propofol, remifentanil, or fentanyl. ⋯ Awake craniotomies can safely be performed in the pediatric population with appropriate patient sel7ection, planning, and a multi-disciplinary approach.