You can easily follow extra journals with metajournal, and so increase the range of publications used to recommend personally-relevant articles.

Sometimes the most important specialty-specific articles are published in the big journals, such as The Lancet or The New England Journal of Medicine – and now metajournal indexes articles from these journals, as well as from JAMA, The BMJ, CMAJ and MJA. (You can also directly browse articles from the journals themselves.)
The easiest way to add extra journals to follow is via your settings page. Click on Journals and from there you can easily search for new journals to follow by name, or unfollow journals that no longer interest you.

When you first join metajournal, you automatically follow all the main publications from your specialty. However by refining your list of followed journals you can fine tune things further.
If you follow journals outside your specialty, its important to tell metajournal what your clinical interests are by following a good number of Topics (at least ten). Metajournal uses the topics that you follow to predict and suggest specific articles that are relevant to your practice, even if they are published in journals outside your specialty.