Anaemia is a common problem in septic patients. We tested whether lipopolysaccharide suppressed erythropoiesis and interfered with erythropoietin. Male mice (strain C57BL/6, n = 76) were injected Escherichia coli lipopolysaccharide (serotype O127:B8; 20 intraperitoneally) or vehicle, followed by either erythropoietin (5000 intraperitoneally) or vehicle, and killed after 24 or 72 h. ⋯ Orthochromatic erythroblasts doubled after lipopolysaccharide exposure (p < 0.05) without any increase in reticulocytes. Lipopolysaccharide completely suppressed erythropoietin's stimulatory effects and evoked a maturation block at the late stage of erythropoiesis. Lipopolysaccharide could cause anaemia in sepsis.
Carlisle investigated the distribution of independent variables between study groups in Fujii's fraudulent research:
"The published distributions of 28/33 variables (85%) were inconsistent with the expected distributions, such that the likelihood of their occurring ranged from 1 in 25 to less than 1 in 1 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 (1 in 1033), equivalent to p values of 0.04 to < 1 × 10-33 , respectively."
Randomized Controlled Trial
Development and validation of a novel tool to estimate peri-operative blood loss.
Surgical blood loss predicts peri-operative outcomes. We have developed and validated Blood Loss Scores to estimate peri-operative blood loss during major abdominal surgery. ⋯ The score, taking into account suction fluid volume and haemoglobin concentration, explained more of the variance in the measured blood loss than the experts' assessment (77% vs 54%, p = 0.05) or the change in haemoglobin concentration (77% vs 11%, p < 0.0001). Addition of the change in haemoglobin concentration improved the estimate for the 24- and 48-h postoperative Blood Loss Scores to explain 78% and 80% of the variance of measured blood loss.