Articles: human.
Review Historical Article
Morphological and Clinical Aspects of Pott's Disease in Ancient Human Remains: A Scoping Review.
The present study is a scoping review of the literature on Pott disease in ancient human remains. ⋯ Although most of the findings are consistent with the literature, since the majority of the human remains were from Europe and the Near Middle East, more research is necessary in other sectors of the world. The suggestion of a male predominance needs to be confirmed and questions about the possible pathognomic role of rib lesions as well Serpes endocranica symmetrica (SES) represent further areas of research that need to be explored.
Chinese medical journal · Feb 2025
Driving effect of P16 methylation on telomerase reverse transcriptase-mediated immortalization and transformation of normal human fibroblasts.
P16 inactivation is frequently accompanied by telomerase reverse transcriptase ( TERT ) amplification in human cancer genomes. P16 inactivation by DNA methylation often occurs automatically during immortalization of normal cells by TERT . However, direct evidence remains to be obtained to support the causal effect of epigenetic changes, such as P16 methylation, on cancer development. This study aimed to provide experimental evidence that P16 methylation directly drives cancer development. ⋯ P16 methylation drives TERT -mediated immortalization and transformation of normal human cells that may contribute to cancer development.
Despite the frequent use of ropivacaine and bupivacaine, there is limited guidance on redosing of these medications following an initial bolus. Intermittent redosing is a clinical practice in the setting of nerve catheters, often utilizing large doses. Comparatively, theoretical elimination rates are available from pharmacokinetic studies, providing estimates on total body content of these drugs. We hypothesized that published redosing of bupivacaine and ropivacaine in clinical literature comported with safe elimination of the drugs based on pharmacokinetic studies. ⋯ Clinically reported redosing of bupivacaine and ropivacaine in the published literature reflect the slowest pharmacokinetic elimination based on human studies. The combined data without evidence of toxicity permit us to make practical recommendations about safe redosing of these agents.
Pediatric emergency care · Feb 2025
Changes in Seasonal Patterns for Common Pediatric Respiratory Viruses During the COVID Pandemic.
Observed alterations in seasonal patterns of common pediatric respiratory viruses during and immediately after the COVID-19 pandemic had far-reaching implications for the care of ill children. Here, we quantify the effects of the pandemic and related nonpharmaceutical interventions on the prevalence and seasonality of common pediatric respiratory illnesses. ⋯ Our observations add to the growing body of literature supporting the hypothesis that human interactions are one of the key drivers of pediatric respiratory viral seasonality in addition to climate. Understanding the effect of human interactions on disease spread is crucial for the development of effective mitigation measures for future pandemics while avoiding dangerous spikes of other illnesses once those interventions are lifted.
We examined de-functionalization and temporal functional recovery of C-nociceptor evoked pain after topical 8% capsaicin applied for 4 consecutive days. ⋯ Sinusoidal electrical stimulation can still activate small diameter axons desensitized to heat after 4 consecutive days of topical 8% capsaicin application and reveals differential temporal functional regeneration of C-nociceptor sub-types. Electrical sinusoidal stimulation may detect such axons that no longer respond to heat stimuli in neuropathic skin.