Non-technical skills are of equal importance to technical anaesthesia skills, but are more challenging to define, measure and acquire.
Meta-analysis suggests regional scalp block may reduce post-operative pain after craniotomy, although relies on small, low-quality studies.
30mg intraperitoneal nebulized ropivacaine significantly reduces pain after laparoscopic cholecystectomy, reducing opioid use and speeding ambulation.
Implementation of a Surgical Safety Checklist had a positive, though small, impact on the theatre safety culture in a Norwegian university hospital.
Renal impairment as indicated by low eGFR is associated with early post-operative mortality, particularly following cardiac or vascular surgery.
Nitrous oxide exposure was not associated with 30-day MI, stroke, death or hypotension in an observational analysis of POISE subjects.
Severe obesity (BMI > 98th centile) in paediatric tonsillectomy is associated with an increased risk of perioperative respiratory complications.
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